Sunday, May 23, 2010

Intro to Bizzaro World!!!

For those who know me, welcome - to those who don't, you will.
On April 15th at the Denver Tax Day Tea Party I gave a speech titled "Bizzaro World". I have been amazed to wake up every day and watch how everything in the world has turned backwards. How right is wrong, bad is good and logic has gone out the window.
Since that day, many who heard my speech have been telling me how appropriate it was to our everyday experience and how often they to have to scratch their heads when hearing the news.
Today is the next step. I want to use this blog to point out the story of the day/week which we see how BIZZARE this world really has become.
By the way, for those of you who are not familiar with comics, and who didn't grow up with Superman, Bizzaro is a twisted mirror image of Superman. His planet Htrae (Earth spelled backwards, get it?) is, like Bizzaro himself, backwards. No logic, good is bad, wrong is right.
I've been a comic fan all my life, and growing up I wanted to be Superman. A hero who is selfless, superstrong, but not invulnerable, and VERY patriotic. I was totally offended when I saw "Superman Returns" and noticed the line "Does he still stand for Truth, Justice and all that other stuff." No Superman has always, and will always stand for Truth (something politics lacks) Justice (equal justice not this social justice crap) and The AMERICAN Way (read Constitutional Republic).
So my friends, I ask for your help. If you catch a story that has you scratching your head post it, email it or send me the link. Let's "take a journey down the wormhole" together (yes I know it isn't cool to mix Superman and Matrix references - sue me) and see if we can't show a whole lot of people what is happening to our country.

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